Sunday, November 15, 2009


Well the scale isn't budging(I haven't been checking as of lately), but my underpants sure are, as well as my jeans, which means SHOPPING SPREE! Well not really, I just need to buy a few pants and smaller undies.

I've been lifting weights and getting rather strong. I also drink my milk everyday which is helping me not break bones when I excersize and fall/twist legs and knees.

I had a slight accident two weeks ago when I went to step class and we had a substitute instructor. That lady was HARDCORE, and well I ended up twisting my knee and was out for a few days.

I haven't really been counting calories or working out as much since I'm taking the GRE in 4 days! Hopefully if things are in my favor I will be working out and counting calories like I was before.

Anyway, not much to talk about besides that. The fact my favorite jeans fit me really baggy is kind of sad. I'm not sure if I will be tailoring them or buying new ones, I like the way they fit. I'm also going to donate all of my old clothes to La Casa again. I just need time to get all that stuff in my car and ready to go. All the new clothes I've been buying are taking over my room and I feel like it's way too crowded in there.

Take it easy.


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