Sunday, November 15, 2009


Well the scale isn't budging(I haven't been checking as of lately), but my underpants sure are, as well as my jeans, which means SHOPPING SPREE! Well not really, I just need to buy a few pants and smaller undies.

I've been lifting weights and getting rather strong. I also drink my milk everyday which is helping me not break bones when I excersize and fall/twist legs and knees.

I had a slight accident two weeks ago when I went to step class and we had a substitute instructor. That lady was HARDCORE, and well I ended up twisting my knee and was out for a few days.

I haven't really been counting calories or working out as much since I'm taking the GRE in 4 days! Hopefully if things are in my favor I will be working out and counting calories like I was before.

Anyway, not much to talk about besides that. The fact my favorite jeans fit me really baggy is kind of sad. I'm not sure if I will be tailoring them or buying new ones, I like the way they fit. I'm also going to donate all of my old clothes to La Casa again. I just need time to get all that stuff in my car and ready to go. All the new clothes I've been buying are taking over my room and I feel like it's way too crowded in there.

Take it easy.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I had been stuck in my little plateau for a while, turns out all I needed to get over it was to get really sick and not eat for 4 days.

I finally got past the 40 pound park and lost the last 6 of the five pounds I needed to get there, totaling 41 pounds lost.

So I'm just going to put this right here:

So looking back I can't believe how gross I looked:

I look like a mess, who can't wear a v-neck.

Now I have less face fat and can actually see my cheekbones coming in.

I was honestly about to write about how I could still not see the difference until I ran into that picture in my other blog.

Anyway, I'm still coughing stuff up and not very hungry, but starting next week (maybe even tomorrow) I'm going back to working out, my muscles have been aching horribly and I can barely ride my bike. But I've been drinking plenty of juice and taking all of my medicine so I can be in tip top shape.

Well, see you in another 5 pounds.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

101 to go.

So I've been a little frustrated because it feels like I've pretty much hit a plateau. I've only lost 3 pounds in the last 3 weeks but I've lost 3 inches and my new clothes are actually getting a little bigger. Pretty soon I will have to take my whole wardrobe to the tailor:)

So I will have been doing this for 4 months as of next Thursday, my longest relationship :)

My face is really changing and I really like dressing up because I feel that I actually look good.

Next week is my birthday and I get a new bike! Yay.

That's pretty much all I have to say, pictures soon. I'm too lazy and busy to take any new ones.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


So I haven't been keeping up with this due to a lot of stuff I've been doing lately.

I started going to a step class and my weight lifting class is pretty fun!

I've been frustrated because different scales are telling me different things, but since the only scale I used when I first started this was the wii fit board, I'm sticking to that as far as weight loss is concerned.

Also, I am a few pounds away from being type 1 obese, right now I'm on the border of 1 and 2.

Since I've hit what I think is a plateau, I've been pretty frustrated, but my mom measured me and I found a lot of differences. She first measured me on July 25th, and in a bit over a month I have lost:

1" on each arm (yay!)
3" on my waist
1 3/4" on my hips
1" on my bust

So my nutritionist just thinks it's due to the muscle building, so I may weigh the same but I am a bit thinner.

Anyway, I can see my cheekbones coming in, which is always fun! I can really feel my collar bone which will eventually make an appearance. And my family who haven't seen me in months and some in years are commenting on how great I look (which I felt a bit weird about, haha).

So now I have to go hit the gym, stationary bike, elliptical, weights and then a nice walk back to my place.

Oh and I've also been trying new veggies and recipes.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Another Update

I was scared to weigh myself today, I didn't count calories this weekend and the only exercise I did was walking around stores and trying on clothes.

I ended up losing 2 pounds over the weekend, hooray! So I've lost 21 pounds in 11 weeks keeping my 2 pound a week momentum going. I've lost 33 pounds this year!

On Thursday I start my women's weight lifting class.

My roommate moves in today so I don't get to store all of my healthy food all over the fridge, I've got to be a little more picky about what I buy since the fridge isn't all mine. I had two Healthy Choice meals yesterday since I had a whole bunch in the fridge.

I guess since I lost weight this weekend I did well, I didn't over indulge. We had a catered lunch at work and I filled my plate with salad and a bit of pasta, but I did go all out at Red Lobster.

I guess I'm just learning to eat better and not overindulge.

I haven't been to the gym in over a week so I'm going to get my work out today.

Monday, August 10, 2009

108 to go!

I've done a lot of things since I last posted.

Two days ago, Saturday, my friend and I went on a 3 hour hike (though we spent about 30 minutes having lunch).

Today I went on a bike ride around the university. I haven't ridden my bike for such a long distance in a while and I almost made it completely around the university but the uphill ride made my sides really sore. I was pretty tired but I didn't give up and rode my bike all over until I made it back to my place.

I've been really happy with what I've been doing. It's like I feel weird if I don't work out. I may go for another ride tomorrow if I don't make it to the gym. Since summer school is over the gym closes at 6 which means I have an hour after work to work out and I kind of want to relax before I go to the gym.

Anyway, I'm pretty happy that in the past 9 weeks I've lost almost 20 pounds! If I lose 1 more pound I'll have lost 30 pounds this year.

It's been really hard and I get sleepy due to my low blood sugar but for the first time I feel like I've actually accomplished something. I hope that by next May when I graduate I can look good in my robe and not like I did in my high school picture.

I may also go to Europe during spring break and it would be nice to not be the fat american, haha. Also I want to be comfortable in the plane and not feel like the seat is too small.

I feel good.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Down 5 pounds

So I haven't weighed myself in a little over a week and I decided to do that today just to see how my week of no exercise affected me. It turns out that sticking to a low calorie week helped me lose pounds.

I've been weight lifting to build muscle and it didn't budge the scale much which seems pointless when your goal is to just lose weight. Building muscle has worked out pretty great for me, though 2 months of working out 5 times a week and sometimes six left me feeling kind of crappy because the scale only changed a pound or two throughout the week. I felt a little defeated until clothes that fit really tight started fitting perfectly and my stomach started to get a little smaller and smaller.

Well after thorough research it turns out that muscle weighs more than fat, which I was a bit confused about, I asked myself "wouldn't 5 pounds of muscle weigh as much as 5 pounds of fat?" Well yes and no, muscle retains more water than fat which is why I wasn't losing weight. After a period of time the muscle starts needing less water and the weight starts to drop. Here's a perfect example of this description:

Another good point to weight lifting and building muscle:
If there are two people with the same weight (i.e. 150 pounds) the one with more muscle will burn more calories doing the exact same thing as the person with less muscle, even if it's just sitting on the couch.

I've started reading a pretty awesome book:

I bought it yesterday and I'm already half-way through it. It's pretty inspiring and honest. She lost 186 pounds, that's just amazing. Her goal was to lose 200 pounds so I can lose the pounds I want.

Anyway, this is a weightloss blog, not a diet blog. What my years of dieting have taught me is that diets are things to lose weight and when you've lost a certain amount of weight then when you've given up or lost the weight you want, it ends and you're back to your old eating habits.

I've decided that this is a lifestyle change, it means I have to be strict with that I eat, but if I slip up from time to time (Last week it was a burger, fries and some cake at Jackson's), it's perfectly fine, it's not something that's ended as soon as you slip up. It's not like getting a DWI and having your license suspended, it's more like getting a traffic ticket, you pay the price (feeling guilty, gaining weight, or in my case feeling sick to your stomach).

Since I've decided to make this a lifetime commitment I don't crave food as much as I did before. I had a carton of ice cream in my fridge that my roommate left before she moved out. I noticed it sitting under a pile of frozen chicken breasts a few days after I started my weight loss, after buying two weeks worth of healthy choice meals last Wednesday I decided to throw it out because I didn't really want it and it was just taking up space.

I hardly ever tell myself "NO YOU CAN'T HAVE IT!", if I truly want it, I'll eat it, but in a smaller portion. Last Sunday my mom ordered pizza and I ate two slices and three chicken wings while the old me would have had 5-6 slices and 6 or 7 wings.

I do admit that I count calories like my life depends on it, and in a way it does, but I'm trying a little harder to just wing it and learn to gauge what food I can eat and how much.

This next week I'm going to try really hard to lose weight, I have to buy school clothes next weekend, and I may push it to the week after just to get better fitting clothes.

Anyway, I haven't had my snack today and it's been 3 hours since I last ate. My body is now used to getting food every 3 hours so now my stomach is asking for food. Have a good weekend (to whoever reads this).

My loss so far.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

First Post

I started my weight loss as of June 1st 2009.

I decided to lose weight when my brother called me out on my eating habits. I was hurt, I cried and I was pissed off. How dare he tell me that I ate too much? Well he was right, and he was right to worry. I am a diabetic and this illness would have killed me if I had not changed my eating habits.

It took me a while to start, a week or so, and I decided to stick to it. I started off by using my wii fit, but running inside a small apartment isn't very fun. I decided to hit the gym and started going everyday and on good days twice a day (morning and evening).

I cut down on my calorie intake, consuming a total of 2000 calories and burning 600-800 making it a total of 1200-1500 a day.

I changed my eating habits dramatically, drinking soda on the weekends or only in restaurants, eating healthier (more chicken and sea food) and only eating red meat once a week or once every two weeks.

I started making breakfast instead of only relying on cereal or skipping breakfast. I also eat more throughout the day. I eat 3 meals and have 3 snacks.

My meals are mostly high protein, I'm building muscle in order to burn calories much faster. My breakfasts consists of:
  • Yogurt
  • Granola
  • Honey
  • Eggs
  • Toast
  • Egg Burrito (once a week)
My lunch consists of
  • A sandwich on whole grain bread (one slice of bread to lower carbs)
  • Healthy Choice meals
I try to make my lunch about 500 calories or so in an attempt to keep my blood sugar under control, with all of the exercise I've been doing and the smaller meals I've been eating my body starts to consume all the sugar I feed it right away.

I try to get the healthy choice meals that are around 250 calories so I can eat a sandwich if I get hungry a few hours later, if not I get a 300-350 calorie meal and eat a snack like a Soy Joy bar.

Before I hit the gym I either have a soy joy bar or a special K bar. If I ate an hour or so before I eat a small salad so I don't pass out during a work out.

I started riding my bike around campus in an attempt to get more exercise and get around much faster. I bought a bike lunch box so I don't have to carry a lunch bag around all day.

I've lost 20 pounds so far and I feel so much better. My cravings have gone down significantly and I feel more energetic. Since I'm working out twice a day and I don't want my progress to go to waste, I try to eat as healthy as possible.

I also trick myself around tempting food. If my mom makes tacos I load them up with as many veggies possible to get fuller faster without eating too much.

So I hope to keep blogging with more tips, more stories and hopefully more pounds shed.

This is it for now, keep reading to get updated.

I would also love to hear weight loss stories from you, tips and other goodies.

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